Nefertiti Neck Lift

Botox / Jawline/Chin Filler

Are you ready for your neck's best thing? Pardon the play on words, but there is no denying that neckline and jawline enhancements have seen a sharp spike in demand over the past few months. Whether you're struggling with sagging skin along your neckline or simply want to sharpen the angles of your profile, cosmetic injectables can help restore a more youthful and defined appearance. As a result, the popular "Nefertiti Neck Lift" has had a non-surgical makeover and is quickly becoming one of the most popular neck and jawline rejuvenation treatments requested today!

Why is it Called the Nefertiti Neck Lift?

The Nefertiti Neck Lift is named after the 14th Century Egyptian Queen, Nefertiti. At the time, her beauty was world-renowned, especially her aristocratic and elegant jawline. Nefertiti's goddess-like features became the standard of beauty for millions of artists throughout history. Her influence has transcended through time to inspire our present-day ideal ratio of facial dimensions deemed most pleasing to the human eye and are used by plastic surgeons, cosmetic injectors, and artists alike.

What Exactly is a Non-Surgical Nefertiti Neck Lift?

Clench your teeth together, now draw in air through your clenched teeth - when you contract the muscles to perform this action, do you notice the bands sticking out on your neckline? If so, you're not alone. Although more pronounced on some than others, those neck bands, or Platysmal Bands, can be very strong on some of us. You may have even noticed some people whose neckbands always seem to be tense and sticking out, even at rest.

Over time, over-pronounced Platysmal Bands can begin to pull down on your lower face, causing a heavy look and diminishing the definition of your jawline. Your neck bands may also start to age the appearance of your neckline by creating horizontal wrinkles. Injectables, like Botox® and Dysport®, can help alleviate these concerns by softening the downward pull of your neckbands and allowing your lower face to lift back up to a more youthful position.

How does the Nefertiti Neck Lift work?

During your treatment, a series of Botox® or Dysport® injections will be administered directly into the bands of your neckline and at key points of downward pull along your jawline. The number of injections and the number of units needed will differ from patient to patient based on the prominence and strength of your neckbands. Once the neurotoxin has set in over the course of 7-10 days, you'll notice a visible smoothing, tightening, and lifting of the skin of the neckline. Your jawline will also appear more defined because it will not have the downward pulling or tugging action from your Platysmal Bands. Expect your results from your Nefertiti Neck Lift to last anywhere from 3 to 4 months. It is recommended that you treat at least three times a year to maintain your results.

How can I tell if the Nefertiti Neck Lift is right for me?

Although visible improvement is seen in almost everyone, the Nefertiti Neck Lift is most suitable for candidates who:

  • Are within their ideal weight range
  • Do not have large deposits of fat under their jawline
  • Do not have excessive loose skin under their jawline
  • Can see visible neck bands at rest or when they clench their teeth
  • Have only mild "jowls" or heaviness to their cheeks
  • Have a slightly rippled appearance to their jawline
  • Have a very pronounced square jawline

It's important to note that if excess fat or skin exists in the jawline area, you may be a more suitable candidate for surgical options like neck lift surgery or first exploring the possibility of Kybella® to dissolve excess fat.

Can I enhance the effects of my Nefertiti Neck Lift?

YES! Many patients choose to add dermal fillers and/or Kybella to their Nefertiti Neck Lift to further enhance their results. Kybella® can be used to dissolve excess pockets of fat under the chin and throughout the jawline and jowls to improve definition. Dermal fillers like Voluma® can be used along the jawline and chin area to create beautifully lifted angles to your profile balance your features.

If you suffer from crepey, slightly loose skin on your neckline, injectables like Sculptra® can be used to improve skin smoothness, resiliency, and lift!

Wanna "Walk Like an Egyptian" and see if the Nefertiti Neck Lift is right for you? Schedule a complimentary consultation with one of our Physician Assistants to discuss your neck and jawline enhancement options. Call (952) 500-0350 today or send Infinite Youth Medical Spa a message!